ASCUMH participates in the Faculty of Medicine Open Day 2024

The Clinical Simulation Department of the Miguel Hernández University (ASCUMH) participated yesterday in the Open House Day of the Faculty of Medicine on the Sant Joan d’Alacant campus, where more than 300 pre-university students from the province of Alicante met to learn about the facilities and training methods offered by the Faculty.

Coordinated by professors Nicanor Morales Delgado (Department of Histology and Anatomy) and José Manuel Ramos Rincón (Department of Clinical Medicine), the event took place in the facilities of the Severo Ochoa building and began with a welcome from the UMH Deputy Vice-Rector for Students, Begoña Ivars Nicolás, and the Dean of the UMH Faculty of Medicine, Antonio Compañ Rosique. Throughout the morning, 4th year ESO students participated in a series of practical workshops that addressed diverse topics, from how to deal with choking, to physics experiments, physiotherapy in sports and human anatomy.

In this sense, clinical simulation was one of the key points of the Open Day, as it allowed participants to experience the recreation of real clinical situations in a safe environment. In the Clinical Simulation Area of ​​the UMH, workshops were held such as auscultation and physical examination, childbirth care workshop, urgent and emergency workshop and medical-surgical skills. All of them had the participation of the technical staff of the SATDI in assembly and preparation tasks, ensuring the correct development of the event.

This action, funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Students and Coordination within the ORGANIZA 2024 Science and Technology Dissemination and Communication Plan, was a great success and fulfilled the objective of bringing future university students closer to health sciences through dynamic and educational activities.